Data Science with kixi.stats on Lambda Island

13 Aug 2018

kixi.stats is the subject of the latest Lambda Island screencast.

It’s been my pleasure over the past couple of weeks to get to know Arne Brasseur. He’s the author of several Clojure libraries and also the Lambda Island screencasts. We shared several emails over the course of the production of the latest video: Data Science with kixi.stats, part 1.

The screencast offers an excellent gentle introduction for those who want to understand how to use Clojure’s transducers for explorative data analysis and is very clearly explained. A free trial is available if you’re unsure whether to commit to a subscription, and 50% off the price is available to anyone who requires it. The code is freely available though, so you can view the episode content on GitHub.

I’m really looking forward to part 2!